PCIe 6.0 supports 64 GT/s1 or 128 GB/s per direction on an x16 connection.2 A lot of PCI-SIG collateral claims 64 GT/s is 256 GB/s, but they include 128 GB/s in both directions when they make this statement since PCIe has always been full duplex.

The above implies that 1 GT/s = 1 Gbit/s, or each transfer is 1 bit. I don’t really understand how this works.

It is the first PCIe generation to use PAM4 signaling, forward error correction, and flit-based encoding.


  1. PCI Express 6.0 Specification | PCI-SIG (pcisig.com)

  2. PCIe 6.1 - All you need to know about PCI Express Gen6 - Rambus