Cray EX4000 is one of the high-density, liquid-cooled cabinets created by Cray for its Shasta program.

Each EX cabinet has:1

  • 8 compute chassis
  • 64 compute blade slots total (8 per chassis)
  • 4 power shelves with 1 PDU each
  • 4 power input whips
  • 64 switch slots

Compute blades slot in the front vertically, and switch blades slot in the rear horizontally:

  • eight blades can connect to up to eight switches within a single chassis
  • hot and cold water connections are in the front
  • all Slingshot networking is in the rear

This is the front of an EX4000 cabinet I took at SC19:

You can see the hot and cold water lines (red and blue hoses) and the eight chassis: four stacked vertically on the left and right halves of the cabinet. Each chassis has vertical compute blades into which the cooling hoses are connected.

Here is the back of that same cabinet:

You can see extensive DAC copper cabling that carries the 200G Slingshot between switches within the rack. The teal optical leave the cabinet and connect to other Slingshot groups.

For a list of all the blades compatible with Cray EX, see HPE Cray Supercomputing EX.


  1. HPE Cray EX Supercomputer