It’s hard to keep track of Microsoft’s public disclosures about its AI supercomputers, so here is what has been stated publicly.

Mark Russinovich at Build 2024:

The following is from Inside Microsoft AI innovation with Mark Russinovich.



  • May 2020: 10,000 V100 GPUs, #5 supercomputer (not confirmed)
  • Nov 2023: 14,400 H100 GPUs, #3 supercomputer (confirmed)
    • “we’re already on to the next one and designing for the next one after that which are multiple times even bigger than this one.”
  • May 2024: 30x supercomputers

30x supercomputers comment

We’ve built 30x the size of our AI infrastructure since November, the equivalent of five of those supercomputers I showed you every single month

The math is 5x Eagles 6 months between November 2023 and May 2024 to get 30x.

InfiniBand domain size

If you take a look at the scale of those systems I was talking about, those AI supercomputers, there are tens of thousands of servers, and they all have to be connected together to make that efficient all-reduce happen. …the InfiniBand domain covers the entire supercomputer, which is tens of thousands of servers.

Standard cluster size

In the case of our public systems where we don’t have customers that are looking for training at that scale … the InfiniBand domains are 1,000 - 2,000 servers in size, which is still 10,000 - 20,000 GPUs.

Project POLCA

  • Training has only 3% power headroom
  • Inference has 21% power headroom
  • Allows 30% more servers in existing datacenter with minimum performance loss.