
Darshan is a very useful profiling tool that intercepts I/O calls within HPC applications to perform lightweight profiling. If you are interested in using it to profile your applications, you should see Building and Managing Darshan.

This page contains notes on how Darshan works internally with an eye towards extending its functionality.

Global Core Initialization

The darshan_core_initialize() function is called at initialization (either via the GNU C constructor, or at MPI_Init()). It does the following:

  • set jobid
  • malloc the core structure and structures for
  • header (struct darshan_header)
  • job metadata (struct darshan_job)
  • executable name
  • "name record buffer"
  • module scratchpad
  • populate header
  • set job-level metadata (uid, start time, nprocs, jobid)
  • record any MPI-IO hints specified for Darshan log output (darshan_log_record_hints_and_ver())
  • populate mount table (darshan_get_exe_and_mounts())
  • initialize static modules (mod_static_init_fns[] table)

Per-module Initialization

When a wrapped function is called, it checks to see if its parent module has been initialized via a *_PRE_RECORD macro (e.g., POSIX_PRE_RECORD).

If the core is enabled and the module's runtime metadata is not, call the module's *_runtime_initialize function (e.g., posix_runtime_initialize().

The *_runtime_initialize() function does

  • estimate how much memory it will need
  • call darshan_core_register_module() to trigger memory allocation which is done exclusively by the core
  • bail out if the core refused to give sufficient memory
  • malloc and memset the runtime metadata structure
  • enable DXT if DXT_ENABLE_IO_TRACE is defined

Most of the magic happens in the Darshan core's darshan_core_register_module() which does the following:

  • malloc and memset the module's metadata (struct darshan_core_module)
  • set the module's initial offset in the Darshan heap (mod->rec_buf_start)
  • map the module's shutdown function (mod->mod_shutdown_func)
  • update the core's module list to reflect the addition of the new module
  • pass back the actually allocated size of the buffer via the inout_mod_buf_size input pointer
  • pass back the system memory alignment to the module via the sys_mem_alignment input pointer (??? which modules need this?)
  • pass back the MPI rank via the rank input pointer

It's interesting to note that Darshan knows what modules are available at compile-time, and each module and the core has a shared understanding of each module's unique module ID.

Global Core Finalization

The darshan_core_shutdown() function is called at shutdown (either via GNU C destructor or MPI_Finalize()). It does the following:

  • ensure shutdown timing is synchronized using MPI_Barrier()
  • unplug the core (final_core = darshan_core; darshan_core = NULL)
  • set the job end time
  • calculate the job's overall start and end times using global min/max MPI_Reduce()s and commit those to the final core's job metadata
  • allocate a buffer to help with log compression
  • allocate a buffer to store the Darshan log path (done in heap because it needs to be shared via MPI?)
  • calculate log file path on rank 0, then broadcast it to all nodes. Check that everyone has a valid log path name and collectively fail if not.
  • identify modules that registered during the app runtime across all MPI processes via MPI_Allreduce()
  • determine common record names across all MPI processes (which files were opened by everyone) via darshan_get_shared_records()
  • collectively open log file and collectively check for errors
  • rank 0 writes the job metadata and mount table and leaves room for an uncompressed log header. Check for errors and collectively fail if rank 0 failed in the aforementioned task
  • write the name->record mapping by calling darshan_log_write_name_record_hash()
  • MPI ranks > 0 remove all their shared records names from the filename->record map (since they are already reduced and represented on rank0 at this point)
  • rebuild record map on rank>0 such that unique records are at the front of the list of mappings and shared records are at the end
  • then call darshan_log_append_all() which does a collective append
  • loop through all the modules; this is described below
  • determine which MPI ranks ran out of memory via MPI_Reduce()
  • determine the total number of active modules (never-activated modules aren't written to the final log file)
  • write the Darshan log header from rank 0 and collectively fail on error (MPI_Bcast() the return value of the MPI_File_write_at())
  • close the Darshan log file and rename it from *.darshan_partial to *.darshan

The "loop through all the modules" loop does the following:

  • flags all globally never-active modules so they don't get written to the Darshan log
  • set the shared record list for this module (mod_shared_recs[])
  • call the module's shutdown function if the module was used locally. how does this work if a module is only used by some MPI processes? MPI_COMM_WORLD is passed to the module-specific shutdown reducer which would cause a deadlock if not all modules are doing posix, right?

All Darshan modules' shutdown functions must have the following prototype:

argument intent meaning
MPI_Comm mod_comm in MPI communicator to run collectives with
darshan_record_id *shared_recs in pointer to start of shared records
int shared_rec_count in count of shared data records
void **mod_buf in/out pointer to start of the module's records
int *mod_buf_sz out number of records